Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fun with the fishes... and Grandma Kay!

We took a day and went to the Georgia Aquarium with Grandma Kay. It is something that we have always wanted to do. Now that Abraham is a bit older we thought he'd really enjoy it... and he did! It is the world's largest aquarium and let me tell y'all it was AWESOME! A ton better than the Baltimore Aquarium. What I liked the most was the BIG and I mean BIG windows where you didn't have to fight the crowds to see the animals. There were lots of people but because of the size of the rooms and windows it was manageable.
They had this cool tunnel which went under one of the tanks so the fish and sharks and animals were swimming above you.

We actually took a picture of the three of us (the only one for the whole trip!) and it came out pretty good IMO!

These were 2 of my favorite animals of all - the beluga whale was incredibly graceful and the peach jellyfish was beautiful against the blue background. LOVED IT!

Grandma Kay with her "boys"

Abraham loved the big windows too!

This picture was a STRUGGLE friends!

This tank was MASSIVE and had a cool whale shark in it with all the little fish.

Thank the Lord they had a play area in the aquarium too or we would have lost him for sure! This opening was a tube configuration for kiddos to climb in.

We had a really nice day, enjoying the time together as a family.

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