My friend
Mel tagged me in this meme on her
blog so I thought I'd go ahead and oblige her by participating in her questions!
Favorite person (outside family)? Can I plead the 5th on this one? I don't have ONE favorite person...
Favorite food? Mexican food and Strawberry Cheesecake (great combo eh?)
Quirks about you? um.. exactly what do you mean quirks?? I talk loud when I get nervous, I sometimes bring my job home with me, I enjoy routine, the red gas light in my car means I can drive for another 2 days without filling up... bad I know!
How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? Great wife and mother, corny, not a great cleaner, determined, fun, friend - do I have to continue? This is weird!
Any regrets in life? Not managing our money better when we were first married, sometimes I have regrets about Moses...
Favorite Charity/Cause?
March of Dimes because of their work for premature babies, and the
Johns Hopkins Childrens Center because of the connection with my family.
Favorite Blog recently?
www.cfhusband.blogspot.comSomething you can’t get enough of? recently, Sleep!
Worst job you’ve ever had? Not really had a bad job, worked at 2 food places and I got tired of it really quickly but it wasn't horrible.
What job would you pay NOT to have? Garbage collector
If you could be a fly on the wall, where? My students homes, to see what REALLY goes on there. Maybe that would help me understand them better.
Favorite Bible verse right now? "For you formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalms 139:13-14
Guilty Pleasure? Shoes
Got any confessions? None that I'm willing to share!
If you HAD to spend $1,000 on YOURSELF, how would you spend it? Clothes, shoes, jewelry...
Favorite thing about your house? I don't have a house yet :(
Least favorite thing about your house? It is an apartment - too small!
One thing you are bad at? Anything artistic.
One thing you’re good at? Abraham
If you could change something about your circumstances, what? I would have managed our $$ better so we could have a house with a yard for Abraham.
Who would you like to meet someday? Bono (from U2) - he does amazing charity work.
What makes you feel sexy? New haircut with a new color
Who is your real life hero? I have three -
Moses, because he is my fighter and angel, Abraham because he overcame time in the NICU to be healthy, and my niece
Chloe whose stubborness and strength through what could be really difficult times are beautiful to me.
What is the hardest part of your job? Dealing with non-involved parents, understanding my students home lives and how it affects them at school.
When are you most relaxed? At the beach, BY MYSELF! (like that ever happens!)
What stresses you out? Procrastination
What can you not live without? Other than the obvious, chapstick!!
Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? What article? Truthfully, I don't care either way.
Why do you blog? I started out doing this to keep track of what we were doing here for our family that doesn't live close to us. But it has become a way for any of our friends to keep track of us! It's sometimes really hard to connect, so this makes me feel better. Plus, I like having a record of Abraham's growing for me too!
So the rules are:
1. Answer the questions.
2. Link back to whoever tagged you.
3. Tag 8 bloggers - 2 from each category
New/Newer Bloggers
Bloggy Friends -
Laura Blogger's you'd like to get to know better -
Blogger's you don't think who will respond but you hope will -
Kathy**I don't know anyone else to add to this! Sorry!