Ok so I'm new to this but thought it was pretty cool. I can't think of anything original so my 13 is...
Thirteen things I love about being a mom to Abraham
1. I Love that I get to enjoy him and his smile every day.
2. I Love the way that he reaches for me from his crib in the mornings.
3. I Love the way that he cuddles with me at night before bed.
4. I Love the way that he plays with Michael.
5. I Love his belly laughs!
6. I Love the way he claps his sweet hands in pure happiness with himself.
7. I Love the light in his eyes when he splashes in the bathtub - we both love bathtime!
8. I Love how he is growing into such a big boy considering how tiny he was starting out.
9. I Love how inquisitive he is and how focused he is on playing.
10. I Love that he is my little "Vaccuum cleaner" finding all the stuff on the carpet.
11. I Love all the funny faces he makes.
12. I Love riding in the car with him and singing together!
13. I Love hearing him talk and laugh to himself when he is playing alone.
What a wondeful post. I can tell Abraham brings you joy..I love beely laughs
You sound like a wonderful Mom. Don't think these are unimaginative sharing your love of your child is a wonderful gift. It brings back memories of my own children.
Oh I remember those times well... my girls are now 7 and 12 and I admit freely to wanting to shrink them back down to babies from time to time
Welcome to the world of THursday 13
Mama Kelly
Aw, so sweet Rin!! Babe-a-ham, Auntie KK loves you TOO!!! :)
Bathtime is always great. I remember those times.
Happy TT
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