Thursday, June 18, 2009

You may think I'm crazy...

The cat at Michael's work had kittens about 3 weeks ago so Abraham and I had to go down to check them out! Michael and I have been tossing around the idea of taking one home with us when they are able to leave their momma. After seeing Abraham's eyes light up, I'm pretty sure at least one of them will make their way home with Michael one day... if not TWO! When asked, Abraham told us he was taking TWO home with him.. and made a point to tell us WHICH ones too! So I guess after vacation, we'll be needing a litter box!

And for those of you who know me well, know that I am allergic to cats! So yes, I am crazy for trying this out. But I have some information about keeping the dander down that may help... gosh, I hope so!

I like the tan and white one in the back!
We just gotta teach Abraham how to hold them.. not by the neck and not by the belly! :)

He liked this tan one too!

These two will be making their home with us in the next month or so...


Kate said...

Aww, they ARE cute!!! Congrats, I think EVERY kid needs a pet!!!! :D Love you!! xoxo

Beth said...

that's so exiting!!!
congrats on the new additions :)
don't hesitate to call with crazy pet-owner questions!

Beth said...

that's so exiting!!!
congrats on the new additions :)
don't hesitate to call with crazy pet-owner questions!