Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas with Gramie and Grandpa

As usual, we took our yearly drive to Georgia to see Michael's family. We decided to drive straight to his dad's house in South Georgia. What technically should take about 15 hours took us nearly 18 hours.. with a 2 yr old who had been sick with the stomach flu the day of our travel. Yea, lots of fun!
But we did have a good time visiting with Gramie and Grandpa. Abraham was spoiled beyond spoiled with all his cars and toys. He was loving spending time with them. We had a nice visit.

Grandpa found a place that had lots of cool animals for Abraham to explore. He liked the donkeys!

I got... socks??

This one is better - it's a truck!!

I like coloring with Grandpa! He traced my hand and I colored it in! How cool!!

Gramie and I colored too!

Abraham got so many new cars and trucks I fear we will need a bigger room for him!

And some animals for his barn too.

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